Student Academic Services Users Group
May 6, 2019
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
University Capitol Centre, 2520-D
200 South Capitol Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
- Summer 2019 Orientation Update - Tina Arthur from Orientation Services gave an update on Summer 2019 Orientation. Orientation Services will again conduct overlapping programs for summer 2019 for incoming, domestic first-year students. An overview of academics and schedule building and occurs on Day 1 afternoon with students and advisors. Students and advisors meet again on the morning of day 2 to finish advising and registration in 3 registration time blocks (9:00 am, 10:10 am, 11:20 am). Something new for AAC advised students this year is that they will register in groups rather than individually in advisor’s offices. We will be registering students in the 2nd floor of the Main Library during these times. The Colleges registered in groups last year (in various locations on campus) and will continue that again this summer.
- Attached is our F program agenda for anyone who would like a comprehensive overview of the 2-day orientation programs. Full presentation.
- Adding services to the UI Service Center - Sarah Harris, Marty Miller, Tammy Smith, Ali Carlson, and Sara Sullivan presented on the expanded UI Service Center that is scheduled to open this summer, before fall classes, at 2700 UCC. Services included will be: ID Cards, Registration changes, Registration restrictions, U-bill payments/questions, Scholarship payments, Third Party billing questions, student name changes, Transcripts & Verifications, Graduation Services, Residency and Veterans Education Transition Services (VETS). The VETS office will be in 2706 UCC. Our business hours will remain the same: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday (excluding University holidays).
- Spring Final Grade Reminder and O Grade Statistics- Elissa Thoman and Jessica Alberhasky from Office of the Registrar - REG-MAUI-Support gave a presentation on Grades. Full presentation.
- Seat Reservation and Waitlist Announcement- This will be an update on testing with an additional meeting to come. - Jessica Alberhasky from Office of the Registrar - REG-MAUI-Support talked about Seat Reservations and Waitlists. Full presentation.
- Short Hours Workflow Form - Sarah Harris & Jessica Alberhasky presented on the Short Hours workflow form that went live May 1, 2019. It can be found at, under Quick Links, Forms. Academic Records/Short Hours Form. Users will be required to log in and then can start the form. It is built based off the paper form – you have to input the student’s name in two fields. The first time in the Student field, the second time in the Program of Study field – it will display all POS that the student is in; select the appropriate one. All “stops” along the routing have to have completed their FERPA training, including the initiator.
Important May Dates:
- Close of Classes: May 3, 2019
- Finals Week: May 6 - 10, 2019
- First Day of Classes- 4wk, 6wk1, 12wk subsessions: May 14, 2019
- Final Grades Due: May 15, 2019
- Prerequisite Drop Date- UI Coursework: May 16, 2019
"New"- You now find calculated contact hours on each Time/Location line item in Offering Planner. Additionally, this calculated value is now being stored in the Data Warehouse, as "MAUI.CRSE_SECTION.CONTACT_HOURS_NBR", for reporting purposes.
Summer 2019 subsession and off cycle course prerequisite checking:
- 4 week and 6 week I: prerequisites not enforced
- 12 week, 8 week, and 6 week II: students not meeting prerequisite are notified a week prior to the drop date so they still have time to submit proof and prevent getting dropped from the course.
- Student dropped for lack of prerequisite:
- 12 week: Dropped after the UI final Spring grade run if they have UI - In Progress prerequisite permission; for all other students it's the standard 3 days before the session begins
- 8 week and 6 week II: Dropped 3 days before the session begins
- Off cycle: Dropped 3 days prior to the begin date of the course
Steps for the new online Short Hours Form:
Once logged in, at the top of the form is this statement: Only departmental or graduate coordinators should complete this form.
The Initiator has "View Only" rights once it is on its path/route.
- Student: Find the person for whom the form is being submitted
- Program of Study: Manually enter your Program of Study
- Student's Advisor: Find the advisor
- Department DEO/Director/Chair: Find the chair
- Session(s) that the form is being submitted: limited to Summer 2019-Spring 2020
- Status: HT, 3/4, or FT (definitions below that field)
- Criteria: select all the appropriate activity to consider
- I certify, on the behalf of my department, that the student meets the criteria for the selected student status (half, three-quarter or full-time) and selected session(s).
- Submit to Workflow - it will then route to Advisor, Chair & end with Verifications where we will input into MAUI. These are then stored in Workflow History for us.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact in advance at