



Anne Frank Tree Planting Ceremony

Apr 29, 2022

05:00 PM

Macbride Hall, Auditorium

15-37 East Jefferson Street, Iowa City, IA 52240

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Anne Frank and chestnut tree

On April 29, 2022, a new tree will be planted on the University of Iowa’s Pentacrest—a sapling propagated from the immense horse chestnut tree that grew in the courtyard behind the annex where Anne Frank and her family hid for 761 days during World War II. This living symbol of Anne’s spirit and humanitarian message is the 13th Anne Frank Sapling to be planted in the United States.

This event is free and open to the public.

NOTICE: Because of weather, the 4/29 tree planting ceremony has been moved INDOORS, to the Macbride Hall Auditorium (Room 201). Unless there is lightning, the tree will still be planted outdoors at the end of the ceremony. The Shabbat service and all other post-planting events will still take place. If you requested a chair when registering, you will find your name on a chair near the front of the auditorium.  

The event will also be live-streamed here:

The Anne Frank Tree: Taking Root in Iowa initiative is led by Dr. Kirsten Kumpf Baele (UI German Department), whose research and teaching focuses on Anne Frank; Baele authored the application that secured the sapling for the UI campus and Iowa City community. 

For information about the Anne Frank Tree and associated events, please visit the Anne Frank Initiative website

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact in advance at