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Organizational Meeting for Operator Theory & Mathematical Physics fall seminar series
Aug 27, 2024
01:30 PM
30 North Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52242
Organizational Meeting for Operator Theory and Mathematical Physics Seminars
We will have a joint organizational meeting on Tuesday Aug. 27, at 1:30 p.m. in 309 Van for both seminars. Both seminars OT & MP cover diverse topics in mathematics, and in neighboring areas, including math physics.
FYI about the two Graduate seminars:
(i) Operator Theory, OT and related areas, 1:30 p.m.; and
(ii) Math. Phys, MP 2:30 p.m.
As before, there are overlaps of participants and of topics covered. Topics in both include quantum computing. Graduate students are encouraged to attend and to present. Come to the organizational meeting on Aug. 27 at 1:30 p.m. in room 309 Van (the physics building, down Iowa Avenue.)
Seminar details:
- The two seminars are separate. They are weekly, in-person seminars, and they are open to everyone. Graduate students may choose to register, but it is not required.
- We begin with a joint organizational meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 27, and everyone is cordially invited.
- Participants, and especially graduate students are encouraged to offer to give presentations. With volunteers, we typically manage to assign speakers for most of the slots of the semester. While the seminars are listed as courses, we stress that they are open seminars, and that everyone is welcome.
- Following tradition, the seminars are back-to back, and both seminars take place in the Physics building VAN, room 309. Also following tradition, we aim to include some outside speakers. Make suggestions, please.
- Joint organizational meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 27 in 309 VAN at 1:30 p.m. Together, we make a speaker roster. Both seminars are in-person. (If you prefer to participate by zoom, see below.) Weekly for the rest of the semester, we will have the two seminars, OT first, and followed by MP.
- If you know someone who would like to be added to the math-phys and operator theory mailing list contact us (polyzou@uiowa.edu) or Palle (palle-jorgensen@uiowa.edu).
- Everyone is welcome to participate — passwords are not needed for Zoom. Both seminars will be recorded — let us know if you have any objections concerning recording.
- If you would like to reserve one of the dates below in advance for yourself or for an external speaker please let us know (polyzou@uiowa.edu) or Palle (palle-jorgensen@uiowa.edu) .
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact in advance at