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Iowa City Book Festival: International Writing Program (IWP) Prairie Lights Reading Series
Oct 7, 2018
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
15 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52240

Sundays this fall: The International Writing Program (IWP) and UI MFA writing programs take over the 2nd floor of Prairie Lights – grab a glass of wine or a fancy soda and settle in for an hour of highlights from their best work!
Reading this Sunday, Oct. 7, as part of the Iowa City Book Festival:
MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers Workshop in Fiction:
Sarah Thankam Mathews (USA) grew up between Oman, India, and Canada, immigrating to the United States at seventeen. She has work published or forthcoming from The Kenyon Review, AGNI, Platypus Press, Buzzfeed Reader, and is a current MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers' Workshop. A novel is at work on her.
IWP 2018 Fall Residents:
Kateryna BABKINA (fiction writer, poet, playwright; Ukraine) published her first book at age 17. Since then, she has authored three story collections, four volumes of poetry and two novels, with translations into 12 languages. Sonia was shortlisted for the 2013 BBC Book of the Year; three of her screenplays have been made into films, including [Evil] and [The Yellow Box]. Her children’s book [Cappy and the Whale], a commercial success, raised funds for pediatric cancer. She participates in the IWP Fall Residency courtesy of the Paul and Hualing Engle Fund. http://babkina.com.ua/
Faisal ODDANG (fiction writer, poet, essayist; Indonesia) is the author of three novels and two poetry anthologies. Puya ke puya [From One Heaven to Another] won the 2014 Jakarta Art Council novel competition, and in 2015 Tempo Magazine’s Best Novel prize. His other awards include ASEAN Young Writers Award, Prose Writer of the Year (Tempo Magazine, 2015), and Best Short Story Writers (Kompas Daily, 2014). He is now at work on a translation of the Sulawesi epic La Galigo. He participates in the IWP Fall Residency courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. State Department.
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