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Mark Dimunation, Library of Congress presents the UICB Brownell Lecture on the History of the Book
Nov 7, 2013
07:30 PM
Pappajohn Business Building, Tippie Auditorium, W151
21 East Market Street, Iowa City, IA 52245

Building the Nation's Book Arts Collection: the Art of the Book at the Library of Congress
Mark Dimunation's lecture will discuss the challenges and joys of building a comprehensive collection of contemporary book art on top of a collection of one million items that includes books, manuscripts, and thousands of prints, posters, and printing ephemera. Questions from the audience following the talk will be warmly encouraged. Reception to follow.
Mark Dimunation was appointed Chief of the Rare Book and Special Collections Division at the Library of Congress in 1998. As Chief, Mr. Dimunation is responsible for the development and management of the Rare Book Collection, the largest collection of rare books in North America. He specializes in 18th and 19th century English and American printing and has considerable experience working with antiquarian materials as well as fine press and contemporary artists books. He is currently completing an extensive project to reconstruct Thomas Jefferson's Library at the Library of Congress.
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