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UICB Brownell Lecture on the History of the Book
Mar 8, 2013
02:00 PM - 05:30 PM
Art Building West, Auditorium Room 240
141 North Riverside Drive, Iowa City, IA 52246

Mini Symposium on Islamic Papermaking and Calligraphy
March 8th, 2013
University of Iowa Center for the Book
Brownell Lecture on the History of the Book
Mini Symposium on Islamic Papermaking and Calligraphy
Art Building West, Auditorium Room 240
Lecture by Jonathan Bloom
Papermaking in the Lands of Islam
Followed by Q/A
3:30-4:00pm Break; refreshments, and Islamic papermaking demonstration
Lecture by Sheila Blair
Islamic Calligraphy and its Supports
Followed by Q/A
Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom are a wife-and-husband team of teachers and writers on virtually all aspects of Islamic art and architecture. They share both the Norma Jean Calderwood University Professorship of Islamic and Asian Art at Boston College and the Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair of Islamic Art at Virginia Commonwealth University. Together and singly they have written or edited a score of books and hundreds of articles on all aspects of Islamic art ranging from the Dome of the Rock to contemporary calligraphy. Blair is particularly known for her prize-winning book, Islamic Calligraphy; Bloom for his Paper Before Print: the History and Impact of Paper in the Islamic Lands. Their edited volume, God is Beautiful and Loves Beauty: the Object in Islamic Art and Culture, is due out this fall.
Sponsored by
University of Iowa Center for the Book
School of Art and Art History
History Department
South Asian Studies Program
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