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EFC Lecture: Our Medical System is Frayed — Victoria Sharp

May 18, 2023

04:00 PM - 05:30 PM

Biology Building East, 101

210 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City, IA 52240

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Photo of Victoria Sharp


Our Medical System Is Frayed:
Why Did Humpty Dumpty Fall Off The Wall?

Victoria Sharp, M.D., M.B.A.

Professor Emeritus, Department of Urology
Acting Chief of Staff, Iowa City VA Healthcare System

Living in the United States, great health care is something we all expect to be available and reliable. Busy in our lives focusing on what is important to us and what we are good at, in general, you wouldn’t think we would need to do much more than eat healthy, exercise, drink alcohol in moderation, and get our routine health preventive checkups and vaccines.

More is needed, because the challenges are complex in our ever-evolving fluid corporate, political and cultural arenas. There are many causes; a few major ones affect us in Iowa more than in other states.

~ Sponsored by the Emeritus Faculty Council and the Office of the Provost ~

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