



2023 Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference

Oct 14, 2023

08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Lindquist Center, TLC and other rooms, see schedule for details

240 South Madison Street, Iowa City, IA 52240

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Image of a girl in a Jungle with the Iowa pentacrest Building in the background

Learn more about the Learning Sciences Graduate Student Conference at lsgsc.org

2023 Theme: Thriving in the Wilds

Last year we asked what we learned from the upheaval and changes the global pandemic triggered, and where the Learning Sciences would go from there. This year we ask a new question:

​What does it mean to thrive, instead of just surviving?

LSGSC is a gathering of emerging voices in the field of Learning Sciences. All graduate student work is welcome at LSGSC, but this year, we are particularly interested in work and discussion about thriving.

​What does it mean to thrive in graduate school, in academia, in learning, in this constantly changing world? How do we thrive physically, emotionally, morally, socially, and academically?

How do we design environments that allow learners to thrive?

How does individual thriving intertwine with the thriving of larger communities and ecological systems?

How do connections with other fields help us to better explore this concept of thriving?

How do our research methods, connections, and communities help us to change systems and practices related to learning so that the ability to thrive is possible for all?

​We especially encourage works-in-progress, first-time presenters, reflective pieces, and things that do not fit the norms of traditional academia but can support thriving in all its many states.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact in advance at