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2023 Iowa Organic Conference
Nov 26, 2023
02:00 PM - 08:00 PM
125 North Madison Street, Iowa City, IA 52245
The conference is a joint effort between Iowa State University and the University of Iowa. Producers and experts from across the country will share tips for transitioning into organic production and methods to enhance organic operations.
The Theme is "Organic Farming: Healthy Soils, Clean Water: Seeking Integrity in Every Practice" with keynote speaker, Jenny Tucker, Deputy Administrator, National Organic Program (NOP) speaking on new organic initiatives and the NOP's Strengthening Organic Enforcement(SOE) to ensure organic integrity.
The conference begins at 2 p.m. on Sunday Nov. 26, with vendor setup, and a reception featuring local and organic food and drinks at 6 p.m. The conference lunch on Monday afternoon highlights local and organic produce, meats and dairy products assembled into a gourmet meal by Anne Watson, executive chef, and her dining team.
The Iowa Organic Conference is the largest university-sponsored organic conference in the country, with over 30 exhibitors, ranging from organic seed sales, to local food system nonprofits, to government offices working with transitioning and certified organic farmers. Workshops range from new markets for organic crops to soil health initiatives and alternative crops.
Registration is open! Visit https://www.regcytes.extension.iastate.edu/iowaorganic/register/ to sign up!
For additional conference information, visit the 2023 Iowa Organic Conference webpage, https://www.regcytes.extension.iastate.edu/iowaorganic/, or contact Kathleen Delate at kdelate@iastate.edu or 515-294-5116.
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