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Sharp, Distance: Schoenberg, Yes, and Juxtaposition

Oct 11, 2024

01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

Voxman Music Building, 2

93 East Burlington Street, Iowa City, IA 52240

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Image of John Covach

Paper Presentation: “Sharp, Distance: Schoenberg, Yes, and Juxtaposition”

In his unfinished “Gedanke manuscript” (1995), Arnold Schoenberg identifies three modes for the presentation of musical ideas: developing variation, contrapuntal combination, and juxtaposition. Juxtapositon (or “stringing together”) occurs when contrasting ideas are merely placed in succession; one idea is not perceived as a variant of the other and there is frequently no transition. Juxtaposition, Schoenberg argues, is characteristic of popular music. This paper examines juxtaposition in the music of the progressive-rock band Yes, examining two tracks from the band’s 1971 album, Fragile.

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