Research Methods Seminar - Buddhika Nettasinghe
Sep 19, 2024
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Pappajohn Business Building, S401
21 East Market Street, Iowa City, IA 52245

Title: Modeling and Measuring Affective Polarization of the Society
Abstract: Politically divided societies are also often divided emotionally: people like and trust those with similar political views (in-group favoritism) while disliking and distrusting those with different views (out-group animosity). This phenomenon, called affective polarization, influences individual decisions, including seemingly apolitical choices such as whether to wear a mask or what car to buy. We present a dynamical model of decision-making in an affectively polarized society, identifying three potential global outcomes separated by a sharp boundary in the parameter space: consensus, partisan polarization, and non-partisan polarization. Analysis reveals that larger out-group animosity compared to in-group favoritism, i.e. more hate than love, is sufficient for polarization, while larger in-group favoritism compared to out-group animosity, i.e., more love than hate, is necessary for consensus. We also show that, counter-intuitively, increasing cross-party connections facilitates polarization, and that by emphasizing partisan differences, mass media creates self-fulfilling prophecies that lead to polarization. Affective polarization also creates tipping points in the opinion landscape where one group suddenly reverses their trends. We also propose a principled framework to measure the in-group favoritism and out-group animosity of the society via social media. Our findings aid in understanding and addressing the cascading effects of affective polarization, offering insights for strategies to mitigate polarization.
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