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LivingWorks safeTALK

Jun 9, 2025

08:30 AM - 12:30 PM

N116, Professional Development Area

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BTLC Credit: IS, SEBMH (2 credits)

Registration Information: This is a fee-based event but free to University of Iowa students in the Teacher Education Program. *University of Iowa TEP students: please reach out to TLC@uiowa.edu for the non-fee registration link. Registration deadline is one week prior to the workshop. Cancelation deadline is 48 hours prior to the workshop by emailing TLC@uiowa.edu. If TEP students cancel less than 48 hours, they will be assessed the registration cost of $45. Registration Capacity: 30 people

Presenters: Kaitlin Poock and Liz Gleason, social workers with Scanlan Center for School Mental Health Clinic

Description: safeTALK prepares people to be more alert to suicide and to help persons with thoughts of suicide make safe connections. The intervention goal is that persons with thoughts of suicide connect with someone who will help them keep safe from suicide and access further support.

Learning Goals: 1) Describe the role of an alert helper/ connector. 2) Identify ways in which personal, cultural, and social attitudes can lead people to miss, dismiss, and avoid opportunities to seek or provide help. 3) Describe the four TALK steps that enable helpers to facilitate safe connections. 4) Demonstrate basic skills in applying these TALK steps. 5) Know how to connect someone to community resources that help them keep safe from suicide.

By registering for this event, you agree to be photographed or filmed for promotional purposes. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email scsmh-main@uiowa.edu and we will work with you to make any accommodations. 

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact in advance at

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