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The Swine Republic: A reading by Chris Jones at Prairie Lights Bookstore

Apr 3, 2025

07:00 PM

Prairie Lights Books

15 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, IA 52240

Chris Jones

Come to Prairie Lights Books for a special Darwin Day reading by Chris Jones, author of The Swine Republic. Published in 2023 by local publisher Ice Cube Press and named a 2024 "Great Reads from Great Places" book by the Library of Congress, The Swine Republic provides extensive research and reportage on the truth behind Iowa's infamously poor water quality, which you "...won't get ... from Iowa’s agricultural and political leaders." (icecubepress.com) Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature, calls The Swine Republic "Truly brilliant — new ways of thinking about stuff that’s right in front of us," while Art Cullen, editor of The Storm Lake Times Pilot and 2017 Pulitzer Prize winner, says, "It takes guts for Chris Jones to confront the pollution of our rivers and lakes by the agrochemical complex. Somebody has to, and Jones does in this collection of essays. Calling out Iowa’s disregard for the water and soil that make the place what it is."

Until recently, Chris Jones was a Research Engineer with IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering at the University of Iowa. He holds a PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Montana State University and a BA in chemistry and biology from Simpson College. Previous career stops include the Des Moines Water Works and the Iowa Soybean Association. As an avid outdoorsman, he enjoys fishing, bird watching, gardening, and mushroom hunting in both Iowa and Wisconsin. While he spends most of his time in Iowa City, he is especially fond of the Upper Mississippi River and the Driftless Area of Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. He recently retired from the University of Iowa, and in addition to his Substack and many speaking engagements, he has become executive director of Iowa Driftless Water Defenders (DWD).

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