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Podcasting with Purpose: Mark Riechers and Anne Strainchamps

Calling all podcasters, podcast enthusiasts, and podcast newbies! Learn from expert podcasters about the craft of podcasting with purpose, from the nuts and bolts of recording and editing audio to the intellectual and creative labor of audio storytelling. As part of our goal to prepare graduate students for a wide range of careers serving the public good, Humanities for the Public Good is exploring new and innovative methods of interpretation, storytelling, and meaning-making. The Podcasting with Purpose series will bring experienced podcast creators and hosts each month in Spring 2021 to discuss their craft and how academics can connect their research, teaching, and advocacy with the wide world of podcasting. This series is supported by Humanities for the Public Good, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies.
Mark Riechers and Anne Strainchamps help create and produce To the Best of Our Knowledge, a nationally-syndicated, Peabody award-winning radio show that features conversations with novelists and poets, scientists and software engineers, journalists and historians, filmmakers and philosophers, artists and activists—anyone with a big idea and a passion to have a creative and engaging conversation about it. Anne Strainchamps is the host of To The Best Of Our Knowledge. She co-founded the show, along with Steve Paulson and Jim Fleming, and has been a featured interviewer on the program for more than a decade. She has worked in public broadcasting at WAMU in Washington, DC, and at NPR. Mark Riechers is a digital producer for To the Best of Our Knowledge and has worked for The A.V. Club, Madison's Isthmus weekly paper, and local alt-weekly Tone Madison. He has formerly worked as a science communicator for the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Chicago.
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