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Dr. Robert Bullard: The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice
Virtual Event

Dr. Robert Bullard, the Father of Environmental Justice, will give a lecture and engage in a Q&A session.
Talk Title: The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice
Climate change is the defining global environmental justice, human rights, and public health issue of the twenty-first century. The most vulnerable populations in the United States and around the world will suffer the earliest and most damaging setbacks because of where they live, their limited income and economic means, and their lack of access to health care. Professor Bullard’s presentation will focus primarily on the U.S. and the need for empowering vulnerable populations, identifying environmental justice and climate change “hot-spot” zones and designing fair, just and effective adaptation, mitigation, emergency management and community resilience and disaster recovery strategies. He will offer a framework for dismantling systemic racism and policies and practices that create, exacerbate, and perpetuate inequality and vulnerability.
This talk is supported in part by the CLAS Strategic Initiative on Advancing Environmental Justice, Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, UI Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences, UI MISSE (Multicultural and International Student Support and Engagement), Tippie College of Business, the UI Public Policy Center, the UI Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination, along with support from the University of Northern Iowa and Iowa State University.
WebEx Link: https://iastate.webex.com/iastate/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2db991e36755863ce6...
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