- Audiences
- Interests
- Keywords
- Types
- Departments
- African American Studies Program
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Department of American Studies
- Department of Cinematic Arts
- Department of English
- Department of French and Italian
- Department of History
- Department of Spanish and Portuguese
- Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
- Graduate College
- Graduate Students
- International Studies Program
- Obermann Center
- Office of the Vice President for Research
Craft Critique Culture Graduate Conference: Black Legacies

On April 4–6, 2024, English graduate students are hosting the 23rd annual Craft Critique Culture interdisciplinary graduate conference on the University of Iowa campus. This year’s conference addresses themes of “Black Legacies.” For this conference, “Black Legacies” is, first, a recognition and continued contribution to the history of Black Studies programs in colleges and universities, which emerged in the 1960s and ’70s. “Black Legacies” is also a way to honor and celebrate the power of institutional firsts—the first Black student(s), Black professor(s), and Black impact. In Invisible Hawkeyes: African Americans at the University of Iowa During the Long Civil Rights Era, Drs. Lena and Michael Hill claim that the presence of African American students on the University of Iowa’s campus “challenged stereotypes that dismissed the university as flat, naïve, and bereft of aesthetic urbanity.” Similarly, we believe the presence of Black Studies and the presence of Black people in the academy not only raises academic consciousness but also brings social, political, and cultural reckoning to colleges and universities across the nation.
Graduate scholars who contribute to the field of Black Studies will present their research that addresses topics including but not limited to:
Histories of Black Resistance
Black Archival Studies
Political and Social Movements
Education and Policy
Black Language and Linguistics
Black Art, Performance, and Literature
Black Legacies in STEM
Creative Work
April 5 at noon will be the Plenary Address by Dr. Ashley Howard of University of Iowa's History and African American Studies Departments!
April 5 at 4 p.m. will be the Keynote Presentation by Dr. Lena Hill, provost at Washington and Lee University!
This conference has been made possible by the generous support of the following University of Iowa Departments and Units: French and Italian, International Studies, Anthropology, Cinematic Arts, Spanish and Portuguese, History, American Studies, School of Art and Art History, Center for the Book, Religious Studies, Rhetoric, English, the James O. Freedman Professor of Letters, M.F. Carpenter Research Fund, University of Iowa Graduate College, Graduate and Professional Student Government, and the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies
Visit our website, https://craftcritiquecultureconference.wordpress.com/, to read more about our conference speakers and stay up to date on conference details!
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact in advance at